One of my favorite quotes is from George Washington Carver. He said, "A weed is a flower growing in the wrong place." If you have never read anything about Dr. Carver, I encourage you to do so. He was accomplished in many, many fields and contributed so much to our society. Little credit is given to him for these accomplishments. Next time you eat a peanut butter sandwich, you can thank Dr. Carver. He was born a slave, fought to be educated and then shared his education with all who would listen. The Bible was one of his tools. Now read about the rest of his story. It is fascinating.
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There are several children’s books I used in my classroom during units on plants and food chain and also during black history. One is called “In the Garden with Dr. Carver” another is “A Weed is a Flower”, and another called “George Washington Carver the Peanut Wizard.”
Is there a particular book you can recommend, Sara?
Beautifully said. I am at peace with myself because , l calledJesus. The best call I ever made.
During this Lent season I am reading Confessions by Saint Augustine. It is a book that I have read several times and one that is a great read during Lent. One of my favorite quotes is found at the very beginning. After a few lines of praise and adoration of God, Saint Augustine wrote; “For you have made us for yourself and restless is our heart until it comes to rest in you.” The reason why this quote resonates with me is this is exactly how I felt the weeks prior to surrendering my heart to Christ. Those were some of the most miserable days of my life, but when I finally gave in and made Jesus the Lord of my life it was then that I felt a peace that passes all understanding and a calm like I never felt before. I tried every way that I could think off to be a better person only to succumb to failure. The difference this time was I realized I didn’t come to a religious program or system, I came to a person, the person of Jesus Christ. He not only has made me better, most importantly he has made me to live. That’s why I love this quote for Saint Augustine. Thanks Sara for initiating this! Pastor Robby