Good morning and Happy New year!
There is no better way to begin the year than by reading the Bible. I know most of you all already have plans that you use and would in way deter you from that plan. But if you don’t have one I would like to invite you to join with me in a plan I have chosen for the next two years. The OT is read once and the NT and Psalms are read twice.
The Bible speaks of itself as
Solid Meat
A weapon
A means of cleansing
and many other things that we can identify with.
So if you are looking for a plan and wanting to deepened your knowledge of God and build a healthy relationship with Christ then I highly recommend this one.
Jesus said for us to take the yoke of his word upon us and learn of him. In doing this we will find rest for our souls! Matthew 11:28-30
I will be posting these scriptures daily.
Todays readings are:
Genesis 1
Pastor Robby