March 2022 Prayer Points
from John and April McDuffeeView this email in your browser
Dear praying family and friends, Thank you for your continued prayers for mission to Spain! Preparations continue little-by-little for our time of Home service in the States. We will be in the States from July 5, 2022 to mid January 2023. Pray for our planning and preparations. Thank the Lord with us for a good second women’s gathering on Feb. 20 at the Vicalvaro church. The next meeting will be on Sunday evening, April 3. Pray for the event to be a powerful testimony in the lives of those who do not yet know Christ as Lord and Savior and a deep encouragement of those who already are believers. May we tangibly show the love of Christ for the whole person and bridge the gap of understanding salvation in Christ alone. In our last newsletter we gave thanks for Andrew and Susana Schaad and their two boys who are a new SEND Spain family in Ensanche. In February they completed their first year in Spain. Since September when their oldest son started school they have struggled with being sick. One of them has been sick every week for the past seven months with some kind of cold, flu or virus. It is normal to be sick more frequently the first year in a new country but their case is well beyond the average. Please pray for the whole family to be restored to full health. At the Vicalvaro church we are encouraged by the incorporation of a new person into the children’s Sunday School as a helper. She is in her early 80’s and eager to serve. Pray for encouragement and enablement for those who teach the children. We have often mentioned Ismael who pastors with John at the Vicalvaro church. Ismael and his wife Loli continue to suffer debilitating symptoms from long term COVID. Although Ismael has seen some improvement enabling him to go back to work he still has challenging symptoms that linger. Even though he has been able to preach once a month for the past few months one Friday evening this month he contacted John asking him to preach for him that Sunday. He wasn’t even able to attend that Sunday morning. Members commented that they were grateful that John was there but expressed concern again about our anticipated time away during our Home service to the States. We remind ourselves often that the church is Christ’s church and He will provide for His church. Pray to that end and that God would restore the health of Ismael and Loli. Last month a man started to visit the Vicalvaro church with his wife and 10 year old son. He asked John to disciple him. At the first Bible study the whole family came. Now both of us meet with the whole family to study the book of Romans. Each one is amazingly engaged in the study and eagerly walk 30 minutes to the church building once or twice a week to learn more of what God’s Word says. Their eagerness to learn and meet whenever his work schedule allows has been a breath of fresh air for us. It is of great encouragement to see God at work drawing His people to Himself. Pray for this family that they would come to the full assurance of salvation in Christ alone by faith alone. Pray for our continuing search for a building space in Ensanche to purchase for outreach activities. Pray for the Bible study in Ensanche to grow in number and that God’s Word would work profoundly in all of us that attend.
Serving together with you,
John and April McDuffee