Dear praying family and friends, Since Wednesday, April 20, Spain no longer requires face masks with the exception of health related facilities and public transportation. However, the fear factor remains high in the general population. How good it is to see our friend’s faces again and worship without a mask. Wednesday night we had our first church gathering for prayer without face masks! Items for prayer and praise: The last women’s event at the Vicalvaro church was well attended and afforded the opportunity to speak with a number of women afterwards about personal faith. The Vicalvaro church is having a men’s day out in the mountains north of Madrid on Saturday, April 30. Pray for visitors to come and for the Word that will be shared. Praise the Lord for the two small discipleship Bible studies with people from the Vicalvaro church that meet weekly and for the Bible study in Ensanche that meets twice a month. Pray for the effectual working of God’s Word in the each one involved in these studies. The search for a suitable building space to purchase in Ensanche continues. Please pray for God to provide the right place so that we can have a location from which outreach events can take place. SEND International has recently opened an Ensanche Project 2 account to receive donations for the cost of purchasing a building space in Ensanche. You might remember that we already have all the funds for remodelling a building space, architectural fees, legal/paper work, etc. from the Ensanche Project 1. The link below will give you a further description of Ensanche Project 2. Ismael the pastor that serves with John at the Vicalvaro Church had to have his appendix removed last week for acute appendicitis. As you can imagine this was another challenge in a seemingly endless experience of health challenges. Pray for God to restore his health and that of his wife Loli so that they will be able to serve again at their full capacity. Last month we asked you to pray for the health of Andrew and Susana Schaad and their two boys. Andrew and Susana serve with SEND International and live in Ensanche. Thank the Lord with us they have found doctors to address their health issues and that they are much improved. Only three months left until our home service in the U.S. We be in the States from July 5, 2022 through January 12, 2023. Pray for God to provide for the needs of the Vicalvaro church in our absence. Pray for us to be able plan out our time the States to see as many people as possible. Last, but by far not least, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming birth of another grand child. Our daughter Grace and her husband Kyle are expecting their first child in early October. Pray for God to continue to protect the life and development of the baby and for the new parents to be.
Serving together with you,
John and April McDuffee
“Finally, brothers, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored...” (2 Thessalonians 3:1)