Dear praying family and friends, Thank you for your continued prayers for the advancement of the kingdom of God here in Spain. Wow! We are only six months from our time of Home service in the States. Home service is a time for us to serve our supporting churches while Stateside. We look forward to seeing family and friends face to face, and especially all of you who give so generously and labor in prayer for us. Please pray for us as we plan out how we will use our time during our six months Home Service. We will be in the States from July 5, 2022 to mid January, 2023. The first women’s gathering in January was went very well. Pray for the second gathering next Sunday evening, February 20. Pray for the event to be a powerful testimony in the lives of those who do not yet know Christ as Lord and Saviour and a deep encouragement of those who already are believers. May we tangibly show the love of Christ for the whole person and bridge the gap of understanding salvation in Christ alone. We have been taking steps to encourage people to take on church ministries during our absence. We are so grateful for the four new people who are incorporated into the regular teaching calendar for children’s Sunday school. John has been able to step back from preaching as often as before. Pray for encouragement and enablement for those who preach and teach. We thank the Lord for a number of new visitors on both Sunday mornings and at the mid-week prayer meeting. Pray that those who do not yet know salvation in Christ alone will grow to love him as they hear the preaching of the Word and interact with the members of the church. We continue to meet twice a month as a home Bible study in Ensanche. We are very grateful for Andrew and Susana Schaad and their two boys who are a new SEND Spain family in Ensanche. They have just completed their first year in Spain! They are advancing fast in learning language and culture which has enabled them to make many friends of other parents in the local school. Pray that people from Ensanche would attend the Bible study. Pray for our continuing search for a building space in Ensanche to purchase for outreach activities. Pray for a weekly online Bible study we have with people from the Vicálvaro church. Pray that God’s Word will produce the fruit of righteousness in the lives of those who participate. Pray for two discipleship studies we have with two young couples seeking the Lord’s direction in dating and marriage. Pray that the Lord’s Word would enable each one to be a healthy person in Christ as they anticipate their futures together. The opportunities to serve the Lord and his Church abound beyond all that we can possibly do in our own strength. Pray for us! Pray that the Lord keeps us healthy and that we are conscience of our need to depend solely and totally on his all sufficiency. “Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” 2 Co 3.5-6
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Update From John And April McDuffee (Missionaries in Spain)
Update From John And April McDuffee (Missionaries in Spain)
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